Thursday, September 29, 2011


  • I will show a 1min. slideshow of the Design Cycle's main points.
  • I will perform the experiment and make them take short notes on what steps go with the Design Cycle in the experiment.
  • I will review with the 6th graders and then give them a 10-15 questions quiz.
  • If they get 3 wrong in the 10 question quiz, then that means they barely understood the concept of the Design Cycle. If they miss 5 on the 15 question quiz, then they barely understood the Design Cycle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Design Specification

  • Make the Design Cycle easy and understandable
  • Make the project fun and entertaining
  • Flip Book touches main points of the Design Cycle
  • Experiment will show each step of the Design Cycle so they can follow along
  • Must help 6th graders remember the Design Cycle 
  • Image on Flip Book should not be that distracting for them not to pay attention 
  • Questions should be fair not too hard or too easy

Design Brief

Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it. I am going to create a mini-experiment that will help them actually connect what they are learning to what they are doing. I decided to do an experiment because it seemed more fun than just sitting the whole time and watching me talk about the Design Cycle. This project is designated to help 6th graders understand what the whole Design Cycle is. They will also learn what each step does in the Design Cycle and how it works. With this the 6th graders would have learned the Design Cycle process. 
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?  The requirements for my project are that I have to make the experiment simple, understandable for a 6th grader to get the concept, and make it fun so that they can enjoy the Design Cycle.
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment? I will show them a flip book so they can see the main points of the Design Cycle. After that they will perform the experiment. I don't want to take to much time in the flip book for they will get bored. I want them to spend more time on the experiment , so they can have fun and actually connect the Design Cycle to the experiment they have just done.
13. How will you "test" your presentation? I will first review with them for a while and then give them 10-15 questions if they answer 8 correct that means they have understood the main points of the Design Cycle.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Flip Book Table #1

      Animation is a very important point for it is mainly used in this flip book. I gave myself a 4 because I am going to add interesting images, but I don't want to over exaggerate. By doing this it will avoid the distraction of the 6th graders not paying attention. This will also benefit me because I will grab their attention and they will want to listen. In the end I gave myself a 4 on this because you can never finish putting interests in pictures, but that will cause distractions on them.
      I gave myself a 5 on simplicity because it is easy to use and quite simple. This is nice because I won't have to take a long time to figure out what to do and how to use it. I just have to add images and then just organize it onto the page. That is how simple it is, yet I have to figure what is eye catching to a 6th grader. I will have to ask reference on a random 6th grader and ask what would they like to see on a flip book that will interest them. So I decided to rate myself a 5 for how easy it is to use.
      This will be entertaining for I will try to avoid boring wording and get to the point. I will have them responding to the questions I ask them so I can assure they are on track with the teaching. I will do short sentences and simple so they can get the main idea and see how the Design Cycle works. I will also add imagery so for the visual learners it will be no problem understanding it. I will try not to put too much to the flip book because then they get off track asking about the images instead of the Design Cycle. I gave myself a 3 on this because it will be sort of challenging entertaining them while giving them a lecture.
      I rated myself a 5 on Knowledge because I believe this will be an easy way for them to understand the concept. They will be writing down the summary of each page as I tell them and in the end I will ask each individually what part of the Design Cycle means what. I believe they will understand this because I am going to repeatedly tell them what it means so it can stay in their minds. Overall, this stage I believe will be one of the ones I will master and I hope I will.
      The total of all the points is 17 which is not a bad number on the scale. I will try to improve this number as I keep moving on to different stages of the Design Cycle. I might add modifications or eliminate some information depending on if it is vital to my project or just plain unnecessary. Sot he project will be educational, but also entertaining to wear off the boredom

Experiment Table #2

        The reason I gave activity a 4 is because in this project the 6th graders will have to be moving around. I hope this will help them better understand the topic of the design cycle by actually doing the project themselves and identifying the steps. I added this because in the experiment they will constantly move from place to place keeping up with the steps. Another reason I gave myself a 4, is because it is going to be exciting so the experiment will be quite interesting. The activity is really significant in this choice because that is one of the main things the experiment is composed of. Those are the reasons on which I decided to input activity and give myself a score of a 4.
        The simplicity of this project is tied into the way the experiment is going to be which will be quite simple. I will try to make the experiment understandable so that in the mind of a 6th grader it will make sense and can grasp the meaning of it all. This will benefit me for they will understand the concept and meaning of the Design Cycle. Making this experiment simple will avoid confusion in their minds and get to the point. Overall the simplicity is another main point because if the experiment is simple it will be more reasonable and will be learned quicker. In the end I decided to give myself a 4 on this for it might have some distractions.
        Entertainment is a big point in this project for I will try to make it as fun as possible so the 6th graders won't get bored. I give myself a 4 because either way I will find pretext on why I could have done it it better and why it didn't occur to me. This will be one of the hardest parts because I am going to have to think back like a 6th grader to remember what I thought was fun. Or I can also just ask a random 6th grader what they think a fun experiment is and take into consideration. The 6th graders will also do the experiment on their own and me just giving them instructions and aiding them when needed. Well I gave myself a 4 because fun has no limits to it and can be added as much as you desire.
        The knowledge is the one that I will be testing to see if they actually learned from this experiment or if I needed to improve any one of the steps in the Design Cycle. I will do this by giving them a worksheet and tell them to label what parts of the experiment went with what step of the Design Cycle. This will also help me know on where I am at in explaining topics and teaching it to other students. Other than that I give myself a 5 on this part because I assume I am capable of making the 6th graders understand the concept of the Design Cycle. I hope that I explain it well enough so they will understand what I am referring to when it comes to the Design Cycle. With this I plan on making it the best and explain in simple words to get to the main point. 
       My total of all the points is 17. I will try to improve this as I complete each stage and add any modifications if needed. I will do my best on this experiment so that I can have fun in this experiment and the 6th graders to enjoy it. I will improve my plans and change my wording so I can get straight to the point and make it flow easily. I will also take time on it so I can do it correctly and achieve our goal.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 2

What I researched today was the website which is a nice way to put the Design Cycle and make it understandable for them. They will like it because it is in the form of a book that will be really creative so that I can grab their attention. I would put it an even amount of distractions because if I put to much, they will be lost in their own world about what the books have.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Design Cycle

Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
1. What is the problem you need to solve? To teach a 6th grader about the design cycle. I will need to demonstrate to the 6th graders that the Design Cycle is easy to learn and that they will be capable of learning it. They will have to be able to tell me the Design Cycle and what each step does.                           
2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world? This applies to the real world by people researching about things they want to test out and find out if their product/creation worked out.
3. How will this project serve my community? I will be able to communicate with my community about how I explained to a 6th grader the design cycle. 
4. How can my learning help my community? It will help my community by them also being able to learn and teach the design cycle.
5. How do we live in relation to each other?
6. How does this help others? They will know what the design cycle is.
7. What are the requirements for this assignment?
8. What is the Design Cycle? The design cycle is
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:
Day 3
Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
REFLECT on your learning
20. How could you improve your presentation?
21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
25. How can my learning help my community?
26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)